What Is a BMS & Why Do I Need It for my Lithium Ion Battery Packs?

A Battery Management System -BMS  is Gadget (Hardware & Software) installed on Lithium Batteries in order to Maximize the Efficiency & Safety of Batteries.

In the world of Electrical Engineering, we use the term Battery Management System (BMS) to describe the electronic circuitry that monitors and controls a lithium-ion battery cell. When you have a single cell or battery, it’s easy to monitor certain parameters because there is just one unit to test. But when you have a series of cells or batteries in parallel, it gets a bit trickier.

The BMS monitors the voltages and temperatures of each individual cell in a series to ensure they are all within specified limits. If any of them go out of range, the BMS disconnects that cell so that it can be serviced or replaced while still allowing the other cells to function normally. This prevents the battery from being damaged by any one bad cell and also prevents fires from occurring.

If you’re not sure how important this is for your lithium-ion battery pack, consider this: More than 50% of Lithium Batteries being installed in Zimbabwe are being installed without BMS ( Battery Management Systems) risking the life of Users, risking the life of the Battery & causing a lot of financial distress due to Malfunctioning Batteries and loss of property & life.

This Intelligent Device helps you to overcome all these limitations.

During the charging and discharging of the battery, a Battery Management System, or BMS, monitors and adjusts internal operating parameters such as ✅temperature,

✅voltage, and


To enhance battery safety and performance, the BMS calculates the battery’s SoC (State of Charge) and SoH (State of Health).

It prevents the battery pack from being:

❌overcharged or


This prevents unexpected mishaps [explosions] by keeping the charge level within the maximum and minimum permitted capacities. As a result, a BMS is an extremely important piece of equipment for ensuring the battery’s and user’s safety.

As Zimbabwe gears up for more Solar installations, the risk of sun-managed Battery banks has also been on the rise.

Cases of Explosions and burnt Houses continue to rise, hence the need for those who assemble, install and use lithium batteries to invest in Battery Management Systems.

SHINKO AFRIKA  has been on the Innovative front of assembling BATTERIES with BMS and as part of the project has expanded to Supply such equipment to fellow Solar players in order to improve the efficiency and safety of Solar Systems.

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